Subject: TCSG Health and Safety Practices & Clipper Cutting
Topic: Disinfection Practices Against Bloodborne Pathogens & Into Barbering
Time Allotment: 5 CE hours
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
1. Describe and explain the two (2) main bloodborne pathogens.
2. Describe how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted.
3. Identify the risks of these pathogens in the workplace.
4. Describe salon related examples relative to bloodborne pathogen exposure.
5. State disinfectants and disinfection procedures used to practice safe infection control.
6. State the procedure for Universal Precautions set by OSHA.
7. Properly use the clippers and comb attachments.
8. Understanding the steps of fading with clipper.
9. Demonstrate Basic Fading.
Teaching Techniques Used: Theory-Course Material, Visual Aids, Live Demonstrations, Questions & Answers, Hands-on.
Hands On Attendees Receive: Mannequin, Stand, Course Material, Clippers, Guards, Comb, clips.
Demonstration Attendees Receive: Course Material
Motivation:Stop sending your clients to the barbershop to have their neck tapered! Enhance your haircutting skills by learning to merge clipper cutting with the shears. This class is an introduction to CROSSOVER Licensing. Did you know…. as a licensed cosmetologist, Georgia State Laws says you may complete the required curriculum training at a licensed barber school for only 300 hours and take the state exam to acquire a barber license! Come take this hands-on clipper cutting class and let us show you how to polish your short cuts and increase your salary as a BARBER-STYLIST!
Combination Demonstration (Health & Safety / Clipper Cutting) – 55.00
Combination Hands-On (Health & Safety / Clipper Cutting) – 80.00